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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

BOOK REVIEW: The Old Snatchengrabber's Big Book of Child-Eating Monsters

 Over on my other social medias I've been doing some reviews of horror books for Spooky Season, and I thought this book, being about boogeymen and other folklore bugbears, would fit in nicely with this blog.


by Bitter Karella (writing as Mike Rosen)

Boogey-men, women, and those in-between abound in this collection of monstrous beings that live under beds, on the roof, or just on the edge of the forest path, waiting to grab and devour kids who misbehave or go to places they shouldn’t.

The Big Book ranges from familiar bogeys (at least to American pop culture) such as Rawhead Bloodybones, La Llorona, and Baba Yaga, to more obscure beings such as the Babylonian sewer-dwelling Sulak, the gossip-eating living marionettes called Croquemitaines, and the fungal witch Churnmilk Peg who punishes naughty children who steal unripe nuts from their neighbors’ orchards. All brought to life with Karella’s cartoony style.

Each entry is written in a field guide style with habitat, range, appearance, diet, and other vital statistics so you can identify the bugbear currently haunting your outhouse or crawlspace.  Looking through the entries, it quickly becomes apparent how hilariously gruesome boogeymonster folklore is, with monsters delivering punishments such as chopping kids to pieces; grinding them into sausage; suffocating them in piles of filth and sewage, ripping out their living guts and replacing them with stones, and other unpleasentries. I suppose if your kids won’t listen to reason, you gotta terrify them with the threat of dismemberment by a nightmare hag to get them to obey.

The Old Snatchengrabber’s Big Book of Child-eating Monsters is available as a PDF on Bitter Karella’s page, along with a bunch of other cool, spooky comics, books, and games- including the award-winning Midnight Pals!

Monday, October 24, 2022

Flatwoods Monster Reimagined


Besides cryptids, my other favorite creatures to draw are radiodonts, aka anomalocarids. These "strange shrimp" were a diverse group of predators from the Paleozoic era that captured prey using spiky Great Appendages that hung from their heads in front of their mouths. Radiodonts are believed to be ancestral to both arthropods and velvet worms. 

Here I've reimagined the famous Flatwoods Monster as an upright, land-walking radiodont/anomalocarid with its Great Appendages forming the arms.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Mountain Creature Caught Running Behind a Google Car


Been playing around recently with staining paper with tea. I love the aged look it creates, and the unusual patterns formed. The perfect look for making moody crypitid drawings.

This here is the Mountain Creature Caught Running Behind a Google Car, or Mocc for short. It's recently become somewhat popular on Twitter and Reddit after a user posted a blurry photo from a Google Streetview car that appears to show an odd, bipedal creature running along a line of trees in a wooded area. Or maybe it's just a weird-looking tree stump. Either way, it's a neat new addition to American internet folklore, and has already generated a fair amount of fan art, including mine!