Just after the end of
the Cretaceous, the area that would become Wyoming was a great basin filled
with subtropical swamps and lakes. Over millions of years, the vegetation of
the region built up into peat bogs which were periodically buried and compressed
under sediment washed down from the nearby mountains, eventually solidifying
into coal. As a result, this former swampland-- known today as the Powder River
Basin-- is thick with the fossil fuel.
Of course, all that coal
just lying around under the earth would seem to be a huge fire hazard. And it
very much is. Coal seam fires- whether natural or manmade-- are a frequent
problem in this region. Natural fires occur due to grass or tree fires,
and once they get going they can burn for decades. After all the coal is
burned away, a hollow space is left which can collapse. Such a cave-in formed
Lake DeSmet, near Buffalo Wyoming.
Like most sizable bodies
of water, DeSmet hosts its own aquatic monster, Smetty. Descriptions of the
creature vary. Some say it looks like a giant eel with a horse-like head.
Others say it resembles an enormous alligator. Still other reports claim it's a
classic Loch Ness-style plesiosaur. Knowing the prehistory of the lake, it's
not hard to imagine Smetty being some relic population of Mesozoic monsters
hiding or lying dormant in deep, water-filled caves under the prairie until
they escaped into the collapsed coal seam that became Lake DeSmet.
Rather than depict
Smetty as the usual snakey-necked plesiosaur, I wanted to go with a more
unusual lake monster interpretation. English
journalist and wildlife specialist Frederick William Holiday speculated in his
book The Great Orm of Loch Ness that Nessie, and by extension, other lake
monsters, might actually be a giant invertebrate, possibly a worm or mollusk.
He compares the shape of Nessie-- a long neck, boat-shaped body and
paddled limbs-- to the strange fossil worm Tullimonstrum gregarium found in the
Mazon Creek fossil beds of Illinois. He explains that Nessie, or rather,
Nessies, since there would obviously have to be a whole population of the
creatures, being invertebrates would explain several anomalies about the
monsters, such as why no bodies have ever been found (the creatures have no
bones to wash ashore, and their gelatinous corpses rot quickly), why sonar
scans of the loch sometimes pick up a creature and sometimes don’t (if the
animal is lying on the bottom like a slug, it wouldn’t show up on the radar),
why they aren’t seen more (being gilled invertebrates means they don’t have to
come to the surface for air) and why many people who have seen the beasts up
close often seem more horrified and revolted than one would expect from merely
sighting a giant aquatic reptile. In Holiday's explanation, the “neck” of Nessie is
actually the trunk of this invertebrate while the paddled limbs are related to the odd extensions on the side of Tullimonstrum*.
But then if Nessie is a
giant Tullimonstrum, or at least a distant relative, what then is
Tullimonstrum itself? Although a definitive taxonomic placement hasn’t been made, it does
bear similarity to a mollusk. Specifically Pterotrachea, a group of pelagic sea snails.
![]() |
Pterotrachea coronata, from the Tree of Life Web Project. Below is the living animal in action! |
If you’re confused at
what you’re looking at, the dunce-cap like
structure at the front is a trunk of sorts with a hard “beak” called a
buccal mass. The flappy thing on top is
the snail’s foot modified into a fin. The animal is, thus, swimming on its back
with the trunk flopping back over its up-turned stomach. Although Tullimonstrum’s resemblance to
Pterotrachea is probably just convergent evolution, the former creature does possess
a hardened, pincer-like buccal mass at the end of its trunk, along with a pair
of prominent eyes like a predatory mollusk. At the very least, it’s quite
possible that Tullimonstrum was another species of marine snail that developed
a similar body plan.
Anyway, this
mini-lecture was mostly just a roundabout way of saying that I based my Smetty
design on Pterotrachea. Like Holiday’s invertebrate Nessie, the DeSmet monsters
have long, flexible trunks which frightened onlookers often mistake for
plesiosaur-like necks. This trunk actually does parallel the plesioaur’s
elongated neck since it creates a smaller profile, allowing the animal to get
in close to prey without causing disturbances in the water from its larger
As to how these
creatures even got into Lake DeSmet in the first place, I still like the idea
of them living in aquatic caves beneath the prairie and migrating into the gap
created after the pre-lake coal seam burned away and filled with water.
By the way, go here for an awesome blog post about Pterotrachea by Joseph Jameson-Gould of Real Monstrosities
*The paleontology/biology
nerd in me is compelled to point out that while Holiday compares Nessie’s
flippers to the projections on the side of Tullimonstrum, said projections are,
in fact, eyes on the fossil animal, not locomotory appendages.
The Great Orm of Loch Ness by Frederick William Holiday
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